Monday 30 March 2015

Spirit Day - Thursday, April 2nd

This is a friendly reminder to families that Thursday is Twin Day!! Students are encouraged to partner up and come to school dressed as twins for the day! It is a lot of fun!

Construction Update

Please check the "Construction Updates" link on the left side of this web page.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Movie Night on Friday, March 27th

A friendly reminder on behalf of our School Council...
Please join us for this Friday's Movie Night!  See the School Council website for details!

Parking at Woodroffe United Church

We would like to remind our parents, who use the United Church parking lot as a drop off and/or pick up zone, of the following traffic safety requirements:
1.  Driving speeds must be limited to a maximum of 10 KPH at all times.
2.  Both pedestrians and drivers must be vigilante at all times. Special attention must be paid from 8:10 AM to 8:40 AM and from 2:50 PM to 3:15 PM.
We are very grateful to the Woodroffe United Church community for allowing our families and some of our staff members to use their parking lot. We recognize that this is a privilege and care must be taken at all times to follow the safety requirements. 
Please call the school office and ask to speak with the Principal or Vice-Principal if you notice unsafe behaviours in the parking lot. 
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Kind regards,

Kathi Kay
Principal / Directrice
Woodroffe Ave PS

Monday 23 March 2015

Construction Update

Please check the "Construction Updates" link on the left side of this web page.